Friday, September 26, 2008

Breech, Naturally.

I'm studying breech birth right now, and the various perspectives (both opinions and evidence-based research) that are out there.  Health A to Z presents a very negative perspective on breech, while presents a relatively balanced medical overview of breech protocol.  I enjoyed reading Breech Baby - What Are Your Choices? by the NHS Trust.  When baby Haleh was in a breech position at around 24 weeks, and continued to flip back and forth for many weeks afterwards, I panicked a bit, but really enjoyed the information on Spinning Babies.  (She ended up staying vertex well ahead of her arrival!) 

Here's a video of a twin birth, with the second baby breech.  I love the peaceful atmosphere and the mother's strength and calm.  The three-way cuddle is wonderful! 

And heres a breech HBAC.  I think she's fantastic for staying home even with a surprise breech!  


Sarah said...

I thought you'd enjoy reading this: her blog has some of the best info on breech I've ever read :)

Anonymous said...

You should look into the Webster Technique in Chiropractic. It helps to relieve uterine constraint, therefore allowing normal fetal position.