Friday, September 26, 2008

Breech, Naturally.

I'm studying breech birth right now, and the various perspectives (both opinions and evidence-based research) that are out there.  Health A to Z presents a very negative perspective on breech, while presents a relatively balanced medical overview of breech protocol.  I enjoyed reading Breech Baby - What Are Your Choices? by the NHS Trust.  When baby Haleh was in a breech position at around 24 weeks, and continued to flip back and forth for many weeks afterwards, I panicked a bit, but really enjoyed the information on Spinning Babies.  (She ended up staying vertex well ahead of her arrival!) 

Here's a video of a twin birth, with the second baby breech.  I love the peaceful atmosphere and the mother's strength and calm.  The three-way cuddle is wonderful! 

And heres a breech HBAC.  I think she's fantastic for staying home even with a surprise breech!  

Monday, September 15, 2008

Is this really necessary?!

I'm kind of a purist when it comes to breastfeeding.  Evidence highly favors breastfeeding as the most nutritious and healthful option for baby, and with a plethora of benefits for mama too.  

Nursing my baby is one of the most wonderful things in my life, and its a stretch for me to comprehend why there are women (and men) who think that nursing a baby is inconvenient, old-fashioned, or inappropriate.

Here's a couple of products that I find irritating....  

You thought the fake breast in Meet The Fockers was a joke?  Think again!  Check out  Dindle Bee.

It infuriates me that this product ad uses displays of shock and disgust at the sight of a nursing mother and baby.  Watch the promotional vid for Private Dining .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ten reasons I love birth

(thanks to doulasurround for creating this birthy wordle!)

Because it is unpredictable

Because it is edgy and freaks most people out 

Because every person in the world has experienced it at least once

Because it is mysterious

Because it means that much hard work is complete

Because it can feel good

Because it points to Intelligent design

Because it is raw and powerful

Because no two are alike

Because it allows women who feel ordinary to become extraordinary