Saturday, October 18, 2008

There's nothing like a good birth story

Oh, how I love to read birth stories.  It's a good thing there are so many online, because although I love Ina May's and Peggy Vincent's stories, you can only read a book so many times.  I sit riveted at the computer screen, savoring the details of the birth, and hoping to absorb them into the birthing wisdom that is accumulating in my brain, storing itself up until the time that is right for me to break forth into the real world of doula work.  

Today's story find is UC waterbirth at home, a hypnobirthing mama whose labour was just over 2 hours long.  I love how matter of fact it is... and Dad's "there you are, baby" made me smile. 

Someday I will stand and sway for long hours through the night, rubbing tired feet, fetching ice, and whispering encouragement.  But for now I look on my four darlings tucked quietly in bed, waiting for the littlest of the little to cry out for milk, while my mind wanders and ponders the complex beauty of new life born into the world.


Nat said...

Hi. I found your blog following a link on a friend's blog, and when I saw your pic I nearly died because you look exactly like another friend of mine! (But you're lucky enough to have a gorgeous preggy belly.) Anyway, lovely blog, I'll be checking it out again in future! ;)

Grey Matter Escapades said...

Did I ever send you my birth story? I wrote out a rather long one, but baby-brain forbids me from remembering :)

If you're interested, drop me a line!