My sweet Josiah, tomorrow you will be five years old. Five years ago today, around 1 in the afternoon, I began having mild contractions. I paced like a tigress round our apartment, spurring labor on, as Daddy cooked me my favorite protein source, calamari. I stopped to relax and lean during each contraction, enjoying the first powerful sensations of labor. As afternoon turned into evening, Daddy and I went out to rent some movies. We knew active labor had begun when I began squatting in the aisles of the video shop! Suddenly I just wanted to be at home where I could focus. We called our midwife from home to see if she could stop by soon to check on me. She arrived around 8pm, and found me to be 9 centimeters dilated! I couldn't believe you would be in our arms very soon. I wished that I could stay in my comfy bean bag, but we headed out to the hospital instead, since that was our plan for your birth.
Five years ago today, I still had a few tough hours of labor ahead of me. You were a very big baby at 10 lb 6 oz, and took a few hours to work your way down.
Five years ago tomorrow, at 2:03 am on June 15th, surrounded by your Daddy's love, supported by a midwife and doula/nurse, I gave a final push, and out you spun. Your cord was the most beautiful brilliant blue I have ever seen. You had a little button nose, lots of thick black hair, and a broad chest like Daddy's.
Oh, you were perfect, our first baby, a son!
Josiah Michael, Happy Birthday Eve.
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